Workplace Wellness Luncheon
Workplace wellness encompasses programs aimed at promoting the health and well-being of employees, covering areas such as fitness, nutrition, and mental health support. HARC initiated the Annual Workplace Wellness Event to foster a culture of health within local organizations. Initially, the event focused on recognizing health-promoting workplaces through awards. However, in pursuit of a more engaging and educative approach, we transitioned to hosting symposiums. This shift aims to facilitate richer discussions, learning, and the sharing of best practices among participants, furthering our collective mission of enhancing workplace wellness across the Coachella Valley.
Current Sponsors
Thank you to this year’s sponsors.
Titanium Sponsor

HARC Friend

Become a sponsor
Sponsor our Workplace Wellness Event! Enjoy benefits like positioning your brand as a leader in promoting employee well-being, a speaking slot, showcase services, and receive passes. Benefits include press releases, webpage inclusion, and social media mentions. Custom packages available!
Submit your form to Bernardo Lino at with your logo by May 31, 2024. For inquiries, call 760-404-1945. Thank you for supporting a healthier workplace!
Past events
2024 Coachella Valley
Workplace Wellness Luncheon

June 18, 2024, from 11:30am-1:30pm.
This year’s event will concentrate on burnout prevention, featuring Dr. Mark Agars as our speaker, Dr. Agars, a Professor of Psychology and Director for the Institute of Child Development and Family Relations at CSU San Bernardino, is renowned for his research in diversity management, women’s advancement, work-life balance, and other relevant topics. We will introduce diverse approaches aimed at mitigating employee burnout, ultimately fostering healthier and happier workplaces. Guest speaker Susan Dunn, a local Breathwork Facilitator, will guide us through a unique and relaxing experience using the power of breath. Interactive activities and discussions will be incorporated to engage attendees, facilitating learning and networking opportunities.
2023 Coachella Valley Workplace Wellness Luncheon

“The COVID-19 pandemic brought unique issues and struggles to the lives of many people and organizations in the past year. The World Health Organization reports that in the first year of the pandemic there was a 25% increase in depression and anxiety worldwide. Additionally, a survey by Mind Share Partners revealed that 84% of workers said their workplace contributed to at least one mental health challenge.”