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Workplace Wellness Virtual Symposium: 2022

HARC 2022 Workplace Wellness logo

HARC’s Coachella Valley Virtual Workplace Wellness Symposium –

Thank you to everyone who joined us on June 24, 2022!

Click here to view a recording of the event!
If you joined our virtual event, please take this survey for a chance to win a gift basket from Margaritaville Resort, Palm Springs.

Research shows that having a healthy workplace benefit both the employee and the employer. Such benefits include increased productivity, decreased absenteeism, improved morale, decreased healthcare costs, reduced stress levels, improved long-term retention and overall improved employee happiness and health. In 2016, we hosted the inaugural Workplace Wellness Awards to recognize exemplary organizations in the Coachella Valley that prioritize employee health and wellness and encourage others to do the same. Since the pandemic, we have shifted the awards ceremony to an interactive virtual symposium which aims to inform employers, managers, and management teams how to cope with the changes that the pandemic has brought to the workplace.This year’s Workplace Wellness Symposium topic was “We’re all in this together – Navigating Through Changing Times.” Recognizing that workplaces have changed in the past two years with a “new normal” and acknowledging the great resignation, this year’s event included four wonderful speakers with expertise on topics of diversity and inclusion in today’s workplace, strategies to release stress in the workplace, and managing boundaries at work.
HARC's Coachella Valley 2022 Virtual Workplace Wellness Symposium
Keynote Speaker Dr. Mark Agars
Flyer describing the speakers at the Workplace Wellness Symposium, including John Epps discussing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Unlock the Opportunity, Mark D. Agars and Cassaundra Leier discussing Practical Solutions for Negotiating Work-Life Balance at the Workplace and in your Home, and Felicia Zigman discussing A Leader's Guide to Building a Resilient and Happy Team

Thank you to our sponsors!

Titanium Sponsor:

Desert Oasis Healthcare

Gold Sponsor:

College of the Desert logo

Friend (In-kind) Sponsor:

Coachella Valley Economic Partnership

Desert Health
If you’re interested in sponsoring this event in the future, please contact Amairani Ramos at