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HARCSearch – Citation Policy & Frequently Asked Questions


Citation Policy

© 2014 by HARC, Inc. (Health Assessment Resource Center)
All information provided by HARC is proprietary information that belongs to HARC and is protected by US and international copyright laws and conventions. Except as set forth below, direct or indirect reproduction of any HARC information, in whole or in part, by any means, is prohibited without the express written consent of HARC.

A single table in the HARCSearch may be reproduced in print or on websites provided that the material is identified as -Source: Title, HARC, date. [Accessed on [date of access] from the Health Assessment Resource Center, Palm Desert,  CA. HARCSearch: insert final URL].

All citations must be reproduced verbatim, true to the context in which the information was presented, and may not be used in any way that compromises HARC’s objectivity or our respondents’ confidentiality.

All full reproduction and/or distribution of HARC published research is prohibited unless reproduction rights have been granted. A single copy on paper or in electronic form may be reproduced for personal, broadcast media, non-commercial print and non-commercial use. To obtain reproduction rights, please contact HARC at: HARC, Inc.
75-080 Frank Sinatra Drive, Ste A221
Palm Desert, CA 92211-5202


Q: Can I use HARC data for African American and “other race/ethnicity” respondents?

A: HARC has included analyses that compare respondents based on four racial/ethnic categories (White, Hispanic/Latino, Black/African American, and “other.”). However, HARC strongly recommends against using data for Black/African American respondents, and respondents that are classified as “other,” due to the small number of respondents in our sample. Please contact HARC if you have any questions.

Q: Why wasn’t a question asked a certain year?

A: Not all questions were asked in each survey year. We have experts review the questionnaire each year to help us decide on the content.

Q: Why does the sample size or population estimate change?

A: Respondents often refuse to answer an item or report that they “do not know” the answer, resulting in missing data.  Missing respondent data are omitted from all analyses. Additionally, not all questions are asked of all respondents due to pre-programmed skip patterns.

Q: Some of the numbers have a red asterisk. What does this mean?

A: A red asterisk in a table notes a cell that is statistically unstable. You can still see the results, but HARC warns you that the cells marked with an asterisk are not stable estimates. An unstable cell has not met the criteria for a minimum number of respondents needed. HARC strongly recommends against reporting any figure accompanied by a red asterisk. Please contact HARC if you have any questions.
